More users with useless networking from Orange

Today's rant about the inability to use my Orange mobile phone because of persistent "no network coverage" appears to have struck a chord with some of our readers.

Jonathan held up his hands to say he wasn't responsible for the network congestion: "In reference to your article asking Orange users to get off the phone, it can't be me who's clogging up the network because Orange seem to delight in cutting me off half way through my conversation with the excuse 'Network Busy'. I know [it was busy] - I was using it, but obviously some other customer is more important to Orange than I am."

At least Jonathan can get on. I haven't been able to use the phone all day and it's now 3.30pm (GMT) and still no joy. Still, it appears we are not alone.

Nick wrote: "Me too! With my £200 a month bill its enough to make me think of moving to one of the so-called 'inferior networks'. Please try and find out what their excuse is for four to five months of continuous appalling network performance (I'm in central London)."

Tom chipped in: "Too bloody right. Orange are getting worse and worse... and what's more they really don't like their customers very much. Also, with all the problems Vizzavi are having why isn't anyone talking about the portal's crapness as well?"

Then there's this from Stephen in Edinburgh: "Just to let you know it's not just Orange, but Vodafone is just as bad. Not that you'll feel much better for it but I guess I just needed to get that of my chest!"

Oh, and someone calling themselves "John" (I've changed the name to protect identity) wrote to say: "I've been using my Orange phone all morning - it ain't a problem with the whole network, just either your area or your phone."

Ah hah - so do you think he's the culprit...?

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